Thursday, April 12, 2007

stairmaster, move over!

i know it's been ages.. i'm going to do a real post soon, but come and sponsor me/join me for the CN Tower Climb here.. sponsor me $2 or $5 (or more).. come on!! haha.

my goal is 11 minutes.. who knows :P


Blogger -A said...

11 minutes seems a little aggressive or maybe that's cuz my best time was 16 minutes. =P

Hopefully it will be warm when you climb cuz the ice cold air of the fall chops the lungs in half which makes the tower 100x taller...

8:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

11 minutes? try 58 seconds in my free trip up. haha. Remember to stretch and don't bring anything besides necessary stuff because they don't let you carry anything up, although I do think they have a coat check and bag check as well...can't remember.....oh how I loathe the CN Tower........

9:38 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

hehe, a friend told me that her non-athletic asian friends were able to do 15 minutes :P

who knows, i keep hearing varied things.. one of my co-workers who plays vball says that it's not a big deal..

i'm in the shape of my life.. might as well test it on a hyped stairclimbing exercise and raise funds for a good cause =)

my worry is that it'll be busy.. i'm sure that'll affect the time for sure..

kal, i hear you. you must be sick of the place =) btw, i'm assuming you can't practise on the stairs (emergency, only, right :P)?

1:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

nope no practicing - hahaha. the only time the stair are even open during the year is for these events. The elevators are fully functional during an emergency - hahaha. Mental retarded facts I know about the world's tallest you know what....

10:45 PM  

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