Thursday, August 31, 2006

shop-a-holics unite!

i think i'm a shopping addict.

because of my schedule and feeling ill, i didn't arrange to borrow a portable drive system to store photos (a la janes' p2000).. so i did some online shopping and drove to bestbuy.. i was just going to buy some on-sale ATP SD card that supposedly performs well with the d50 (comparison here).. anyhoo, i get there like 2 minutes before closing time (i hate when ppl do that at the bank, but i do it as a customer :P).. they're all sold out.. i'm thinking of buying something.. the salesperson actually pointed me towards this portable drive.. it was about $169, which is like 2x the price of a sd card.. hmm.. so minus an actual screen that you can view pix on, it's a pretty good idea.. anyhoo, didn't do it. then there's the iPods, cds, dvds.. man, i could have gone nutz. it's bad when you have the power of someone else's credit at your finger tips.. muahahhaaha.

anyhoo, still darned tired. still need to pack. dc in 23 hrs... tick tock.

emotions at the end of the last big show:

ps.. everyone, still text me.. i'm going to need some TO connection =)