Tuesday, September 12, 2006

substance abuse..

well, i had to give in.. ppl were droppin it like crazy.. even the psycho ppl at work.. the smell was inticing. back at school, i didn't let the peer pressure get to me.. i hate using controlled substances as much as i don't wear jewelry/accessories (not even a watch)... thank goodness you can smoke it*. the effect was crazy stimulus to the head, my renal functions were a little wacked. alertness was a little illusion. i'm not even sure how i avoided getting arrested.

yes, you guess it folks. i had coffee. i think i've had a total of less than 10 (maybe 20) cups of coffee in my lifetime. i have the rare, occasional starbuckoo or moonbean... but this week has been a record :P i had a cup at eugenan's place to test it out, but this morning, i was hurtin and ppl were making a run. "double double" i said. yikes.. my system was shuddering from the poison =P i think i'll stick to coffee flavored desserts and ice cream. i think it'll be #5 on the acquired taste list.

not sure how everyone does it, but whatever works. adrenaline has always worked so far.. (i'm not banking on that one to keep me alive tho in a ultra tired spot)

*i had to find some word like roast w/o using it :P

tired, but i can finally kneel on my theraball
my left index fingertip is tender
i'm glad there's no ringing in my left ear
rollercoaster set on low
i'm in ultraballad mode.. must switch back to my plan for a bit
erick, you are the man.
janes, i can't believe you bailed, we have circus this sat!
youtube/google video/msn connex is going nutz right now =)
supermarket tmr nite.
hk, don't get lost
monica, happy bday
boloh: kickazz.


Blogger divine.conspiracy said...

sorry I was your initial dealer... what have I done?!?

2:30 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

hehe, no worries euge, you weren't my first dealer.. i tried it on IV (jk, but i luv intaking by IV. yum) :P

aj, that's nutz =) ppl would love that at work and home..

4:51 PM  
Blogger DBush said...

Although I LOVE coffee, and would encourage all to drink and be merry....

I also wouldn't wish the withdrawl side effects on my worst enemy.

Much like Euge's post/sermon on our technology/ipods/blackberries and our 'addiction' to them...I shouldn't NEED coffee. I'm just not willing to give it up.....yet....

9:18 PM  

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