Saturday, May 21, 2005

antm 4

frankly, i'm a little disappointed.

with that said, i've actually never liked *both* (usually one or none) of the finalists in the previous seasons.. i can't say i've really liked the winners either :P (maybe i have the eye to spot the #2 all the time??) this year was more bearable tho =) i think my favorite season was #2.. shandi, mercedes, sara, april. yikes.

i was really cheering kahlen on.. her photographs were the best. but unfortunately, what they're looking for is more *personality* (edge)+runway+photos, etc. they keep mentioning potential.. overall, with their decision (apparently the most deliberated final), i guess i'm with nole (the stylist) : "i'm confused".. anyway, on to kahlen :P

too vanilla (those are pre-show pix)?

how about this for edge =) she's modelling the deadly sin of "wrath"

now for some shandi :P

anyhoo. i think that's enuf about ANTM :P watching alias now (this weekend is about relaxing and tv catchup, haven't been able to do this in ages!)


Blogger erics* said...

Yeah, Kahlen was good.. but it's not all about shots in that industry. Gotta say Naima KILLED her on the runway on water. Dang.. she had moves. (Bam-bam) But Kahlen's body is so much more versatile. Would never have guessed Kahlen as model material looking at her naturally, in person.

I loved season 2 as well. So much more drama, and it was a tough call, even in the final 4. So you liked Shandi??? i'm surprised by that. Explain. Perhaps... cause she was the underdog? Definitely not a fan of her lankiness.

Can't wait for next season. I want more mixtures like Naima though. They always turn out beautiful.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

erics, it's all about the lankiness =) shandi didn't have the depth/edge behind her eyes, but her high fashion stuff was killer. you just had to be there :) (i can't believe i actually got excited and shouted when keenyah got the boot)

i don't agree about kahlen getting killed on the runway.. watch the finale again (the stiff mouth thing is minor to me).. the commercial hurt kahlen, as well as her in-person "personality" if you will... for fashion models i think it's primarily about photos+runway (i don't care about runway/commerical really).. but for antm, they're looking for model+spokesperson... cuz really, naima's photos are average compared to kahlen's. and her "opening up" was sorta weirdo to me (too much touching her chest and sighing).

i don't actually disagree with the judges (not that i like the outcome), but for versatility/photographic product, kahlen wins hands down (cuz naima can't really do the sexy thing either :P).. anyhoo.. :)

5:20 PM  

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